Hunto Sultan Amay Mosque
Sultan Amay Mosque is the oldest mosque in
Gorontalo city.
The mosque was founded in the year 899 H coincided in 1495 M, Hunto is abbrevation
from Ilohuntungo that means the base or
central assembly of Islam and its founder it was named King Amay therefore this
mosque called hunto Amay mosque, the mosque located is at Lompobatang Street, Biawu Village and siendeng, South City
District, City of Gorontalo.
Despite more than 600 years old but it still looks sturdy mosque and stood
upright. Hunto
Amay mosque early development of
the central place of Islam in Gorontalo, before standing hunto mosque people Gorontalo
society still worship the
statue, a tree, and the things that are considered mystical.

Original size hunto sultan amay Mosque is 144 meters square but
now it size 20 × 30 meters feet for
repairs because it is damaged and slicked back without losing authenticity. This mosque pointed white and green. This mosque very
clean and we will be peace stay in this mosque, because weather in this mosque
very very cool Hunto mosque consists of two floors,
downstairs split second, the right of a prayer room for women and to the left
of the prayer room for men, each having the same size. On the right side there
is a prayer room ladies locker room a special place for women. In addition to
the door of the dressing room there are stairs on the second floor majors. The
second floor is also a prayer room for women.
Drum in
the mosque are made of goat skin thinning condition has been decorated with
tiny holes. His position is located inside the men's room, exactly in the front
right corner. According to the gorontalo society
used the pulpit to preach frequently issue fragrant natural with no artificial
fragrances and poles Mosque is still strong.
To the left of the mosque there is a library, in
front of the library there is an old well which is still used by the congregation
and the surrounding community. The old wells adjacent to the place of ablution.
The old well made of lime and egg white Maleo with more than one meter in
diameter and reaches a height of seven meters. In addition there are old wells
pond, in the pond there are many different kinds of fish, and a variety of
flowers that adorn the walls and the edges of the pond are in order with a neat
and looks very beautiful.

Weather conditions are often hit Gorontalo prolonged
summer does not affect the water continues to overflow and clear. People who
are around the old wells were believed Hunto Mosque Hunto Sultan Amay sacred and
often used to treat various diseases.
In summary not only the old
well water, is also believed to be a sacred mosque so many who come to visit
and pilgrimage.
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